Monday, July 2, 2007

happy doctor's day!!

well HAPPY DOCTOR'S DAY everyone..........i had to write much more and on many more topics but this day came, so this punctuation (and not a full stop) in the order of blogs (which are ofcourse delayed)............
i really dont know what to write about....lets see about the pitiful condition in which doctors are made to work.......three days of night shifts/24 hours duty in a week was enough to drive me crazy.......the ones who really work are lowest in the order of hierarchy........i saw in these days the conditions in which we work....with least resources n worst places in the hospital where i work to get a fan is also considered whole night( almost.......)i spent without sleep coz the fan wouldnt throw any room n 6beds crammed.....n patients lying on each....(the room ofcourse was smaller than required to accomodate the patients n the doctors n the nurses n other staff the cupboards n wash basin etc)
the basic medicines are lacking.......i am ashamed to disclose that we had on several occasions fooled patients and asked them to get a certain medicine for other needy patients cause they were not saying that this was for their child,brother, sister etc.....what could we do.......if something like phenobarbitone was not present........we were using sterilised disposables punches for biopsies, brought by some previous patients ...over n over again........coz the hospital would not provide n most of the patients could not afford........
i think doctors have the craziest shifts..........24hours in many postings barring a few like casualty n labour room etc.......the nurses have 8 hourly shifts ,,,,,the orderlies have 12 hourly shifts.........
n who does most of the work?well the more junior you are the more work u'll do....take me for a posting recently......i was a receptionist, an orderly, a clerk.......a worker ant to be precise..........i ran to the hematology lab to get the vials....i visited the pathology lab for reports.....i was sent to the CT scan and ultrasound room to get dates for patients......and guess what?..........i am the unpaid intern......

(its getting a little depressing so ill end now.......may or may not continue.......)

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