My becoming a doctor turned out to be a more significant and time churning event than I had thought it would be. It seemed it was a milestone not just for me but for many other people associated with me.
For me it was yet another hurdle cleared in the journey of my life. Though just finishing with MBBS means nothing and doesn’t fetch me any significant assurance for my professional life, it does mean a lot. To put it in one of my teacher’s words – only those who have gone through the grind realize the worth of others in similar conditions. It was no joke to have lived away in a foreign land for 5 years, away from home, friends and family. And only the ones pursuing this profession realize the immense amount of time and energy that goes into reading (studying!?) the ‘n’ number of books prescribed under the MBBS curriculum (quite a many easily weighing more than me).
For many others like me time flew by despite our many crying, cribbing, cajoling, irritating, heart rendering moments when time seemed to have stopped.
A very close uncle of mine kept on repeating for a good day or two as how time had flown so fast. As how he hadn’t realized 5 years had gone by!! It was not just him though because I kept on meeting other relatives, friends and acquaintances and they too were chanting the same mantra. It then dawned on me that a significant part of my life was behind me and another one was beckoning me.
It was a moment of realization for my dear friends when we met this time on my “final return”! Everyone knew I had come back for good, they knew there was no deadline this time. They knew I was here to stay and not packing my bags n going off again, not to be seen for another whole year.
I am also at peace. I knew I was here at least for longer than a month (since my fortune as of today says I have travel on my cards next year!!)
My sister is happy that she has someone to talk to, pour her heart out to whenever she wants to..she has someone to discuss everything under the sun that 2 sisters can talk about. Of course both of us are going crazy that we have more clothes to share between us.
My parents have got their daughter back after 5years which had seemed never ending in the beginning and now I hear them ask “had you ever gone?”What do I say? A milestone in memory lane?
For me it was yet another hurdle cleared in the journey of my life. Though just finishing with MBBS means nothing and doesn’t fetch me any significant assurance for my professional life, it does mean a lot. To put it in one of my teacher’s words – only those who have gone through the grind realize the worth of others in similar conditions. It was no joke to have lived away in a foreign land for 5 years, away from home, friends and family. And only the ones pursuing this profession realize the immense amount of time and energy that goes into reading (studying!?) the ‘n’ number of books prescribed under the MBBS curriculum (quite a many easily weighing more than me).
For many others like me time flew by despite our many crying, cribbing, cajoling, irritating, heart rendering moments when time seemed to have stopped.
A very close uncle of mine kept on repeating for a good day or two as how time had flown so fast. As how he hadn’t realized 5 years had gone by!! It was not just him though because I kept on meeting other relatives, friends and acquaintances and they too were chanting the same mantra. It then dawned on me that a significant part of my life was behind me and another one was beckoning me.
It was a moment of realization for my dear friends when we met this time on my “final return”! Everyone knew I had come back for good, they knew there was no deadline this time. They knew I was here to stay and not packing my bags n going off again, not to be seen for another whole year.
I am also at peace. I knew I was here at least for longer than a month (since my fortune as of today says I have travel on my cards next year!!)
My sister is happy that she has someone to talk to, pour her heart out to whenever she wants to..she has someone to discuss everything under the sun that 2 sisters can talk about. Of course both of us are going crazy that we have more clothes to share between us.
My parents have got their daughter back after 5years which had seemed never ending in the beginning and now I hear them ask “had you ever gone?”What do I say? A milestone in memory lane?